This service is a key part of both interior and exterior design. It is of vital importance when it comes to accompanying and enhancing environments, both in homes and in commercial spaces.
At Illusion we are very aware of this, that is why we have an expert team in developing unique solutions with cutting-edge brands and designs, which provide results of the highest level.
The latest systems will allow you to adapt the atmosphere of your home according to your tastes and needs at all times simply and quickly. You can create a relaxed, friendly and welcoming atmosphere that will help improve your wellbeing.
All this with a careful design, integrating in its rooms elements from prestigious brands such as Delta Light or Occhio, which have unique materials and shapes, both for interiors and exteriors. Our team will be in charge of carefully selecting and incorporating the lighting to accompany and enhance the design of your home.
Lighting in commercial spaces allows you to modify the atmosphere and thus improve the experience of your customers. Providing comfortable, relaxed or fun environments where light enhances the consumer enjoyment will help create a unique memory in them.
Discover the comfort of lighting control systems where you can combine the versatility, safety and simplicity of this technology with careful and detailed lighting. You can control the lighting in your home from anywhere through a button or from your own devices.
We will help you define different atmospheres that suit your lifestyle so that you can quickly and intuitively control the lighting in each room. For example, in the evenings, the lighting level will automatically adapt, lowering its intensity and eliminating glare, to help you find rest.
Using elements from prestigious brands such as Delta Light and Flos, among others, you can integrate your lighting with your interior design, as well as with electric curtain and blind systems, making more use of space while improving energy efficiency and home security.
For any questions or suggestions you can call us or fill out this contact form.
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