Villa in Cerquilla
| Integral Project |
Elegant villa located in the sought after urbanization of La Cerquilla. Marketed by Xquisit Homes, who has extensive experience in the luxury housing market, and under the advice of the prestigious Solvilla real estate.
Elegant villa located in the sought after urbanization of La Cerquilla. Marketed by Xquisit Homes, who has extensive experience in the luxury housing market, and under the advice of the prestigious Solvilla real estate.
The property benefits from the discreet use of indirect lighting, achieving a warm and welcoming atmosphere, with a high level of visual comfort. Alternately, the direct lighting throughout the house exclusively uses lighting from highly rated Delta Light.
The speakers installed in the main areas of the house are from Sonance. The chosen model blends perfectly with the architecture, giving prominence to its incredible sound quality.
Outside, the sculptured speakers of Architettura Sonora manage to bring the audio to the pool area without sacrificing design or aesthetics along the way. The variety of finishes in which this product is available allows us to adapt it to the style of each property.
The master bedroom is equipped with a motorized TV stand from Future Automation, which hides the TV against the ceiling, leaving the view of the room free of screens. The manufacturer, established in the United Kingdom, is a leader in its sector, offering the widest range of solutions on the market.
Finally, the equipment of the movie theater is composed of a Sony 4K projector, Artcoustic speakers and Screen Research screen. This combination of components achieves a feeling of immersion that gives us a true cinema experience from the comfort of home.
Thanks to the Lutron Homeworks QS system, it is possible to control all the elements mentioned above from the same platform. Comfort, quality, technology and design – our key to providing the best home experience.
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