Check list for an efficient lighting project
Currently, lighting consumes over 20% of the electricity produced, and is responsible for about 35% of electricity consumption of a typical building. Much of it, is wasted due to poor lighting design, lighting equipment and scarce inefficient lighting control systems and energy monitoring. A basic checklist for a more efficient lighting can be: – The […]
Currently, lighting consumes over 20% of the electricity produced, and is responsible for about 35% of electricity consumption of a typical building. Much of it, is wasted due to poor lighting design, lighting equipment and scarce inefficient lighting control systems and energy monitoring.
A basic checklist for a more efficient lighting can be:
– The use of high-efficiency lamps can mean significant savings. Industry and offices, the old type T8 or T12 fluorescent lamps operating on electromagnetic ballasts can be replaced by high-efficiency fluorescent lamps as T5HE or T5HO electronic ballasts. Another option is the use of LED technology as a complete solution which will provide efficient results in energy use. At home, incandescent bulbs must be replaced by more energy efficient lamps such as compact fluorescent or LED.
– Develop a lighting study is highly recommended to reduce excess lighting and reduce energy waste. Some areas may have lighting level is needed to perform the task in the visual space. By measuring and comparing light levels and design standards applicable to each case, it can be eliminated lamps or luminaires that are unnecessary when the results indicate that the amount of light is higher than required. In the same way you can reduce energy consumption by performing a switching layout, applying the appropriate level of lighting for each area or visual task and not illuminate hallways so uniform and work areas, for example.
– The timers can be installed to turn off the lights when it has been a period of time. They are ideal for use in areas where the occupancy time is well defined (eg in the hallways).
– Occupancy sensors or motion detectors. They are devices to turn off lights when no movement has been detected for a certain period. Occupancy sensors are most often used in offices, warehouses, stairs, kitchens and bathrooms where the use of the facilities can not be predicted.
– Photoelectric cells or light level sensors for daylight, they can be used to control lights near windows. When daylight supply meets the expected level of illumination for the visual task, lamps near windows remain off or dimmed.
-Programmable interval timers. They are useful for switching the lights at certain times (for example, storefronts or ensuring that office lights go out in the evenings and weekends).
– Dimmer or intensity adjustable lights. They can save energy when used to maintain a low level of lighting outside peak time periods (for example, a car parking has to be fully lit during use peaking, perhaps until midnight, but can have low ambient lighting from midnight until dawn).
-The backup power supply units can be used as voltage regulators to optimize the energy consumed by lighting. They perform this function ballasts in fluorescent lighting. Voltage regulators are also available for other types of light source such as sodium vapor lamps.
– DALI lighting control protocol, it offers the additional advantage of interacting in a network or integrated with other facilities management systems, providing greater flexibility through monitoring systems and centralized control, benefits of the combination of lighting controls with other services to maximize energy savings.
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