We visited the Linn headquarters in Glasgow
We once again visited Linn’s headquarters in Glasgow, Scotland. After receiving a warm welcome we were guided by his staff for a tour in the factory and offices. We begin the visit contemplating the processes that are carried out in its facilities: from the preparation of the aluminum, manufacture of the plates with […]
Events, General, Illusion's Team | 28 March 2019
We once again visited Linn’s headquarters in Glasgow, Scotland. After receiving a warm welcome we were guided by his staff for a tour in the factory and offices.
We begin the visit contemplating the processes that are carried out in its facilities: from the preparation of the aluminum, manufacture of the plates with the electronic circuits until the assembly and packaging. These last two actions are totally handmade and are carried out by a single person who produces a product at the same time. Once the manufacturing and the necessary tests are completed, this same person signs and packs the product, ready to send to the client. Linn does not manufacture in chain or stock, the product is made when ordered, as in good restaurants.
Afterwards we participated in a seminar on the history of engineering in Scotland, a region with a long tradition of innovations, many of the most important inventions originate there, from the telephone, to the light bulb or the jam. In the second part of the seminar we were able to review the history of the company and its milestones, with activity since 1973, from the construction of the best turntable in the world (Linn LP12 still available) to the first amplifier with transistors or the first streaming music playback equipment high quality.
To finish off, we were able to enjoy a demonstration in one of the rooms of the “Linn Home” space. An Experience Center with the whole range of solutions exposed in a domestic environment and design. An authentic opportunity to listen to music in the best possible way.
Events, General, Illusion's Team | 28 March 2019
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